Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dec. 26 & 27 days 6 & 7 post op

Wednesday Dec.26 was pretty good. Still a little swelling and pain, but more tolerable. I only took one dose of Vicodin and ibuprofen to supplement.

Thursday Dec. 27 was busy. I woke up at 6am in quite a bit of pain. I think I may have slept wrong or something. I took a Vicodin and slept until 8am. Today was the first day I had no choice but to get moving. Christmas at my house. With the help of my daughter, we cooked and cleaned for family to arrive at 2pm. I did okay until 5ish with only taking 800mg. Of ibuprofen, then I put my arm up and took a little nap. Company left about 8pm. Pain isn't too bad, but I'm exhausted. Tomorrow is my dr. Appointment for my surgery follow up to get my stitches out and casted. I am anxious to see my incision. I'll definitely be taking pics. Hopefully all goes well.

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