Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dec. 29, 30, 31, New Year's Day

The swelling has decreased tremendously and so has the pain. Adjusting to the cast has been my biggest challenge. It's nearly impossible to get comfortable when trying to sleep. Since I will be in this cast for at least 8 weeks I sure hope I adjust sooner than later.

The biggest disappointment for me has been the lack of strength in my fingers. I am not sure why, but I thought I would come out of surgery and be typing the next day. I can't write, I can't do my own hair (thank goodness for my 17 year old daughter who does my ponytails for me), I can't shave my left armpit, and the list goes on. The good news is my left hand is becoming more coordinated and stronger. I am able to move my fingers better since the swelling is down, but nothing like I anticipated it being. It's frustrating for sure.

With the holidays it has been hard to be good with resting. Thankfully, I have my husband and kids here to help.

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