Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 4

My swelling has definitely peaked. I am losing my elbow to the fluid. Hopefully this is a good sign that its disbursing and going away. That's my logic anyway! Everything is throbbing like crazy which I'm sure is due to the swelling and I am itchy under the very tight bandages. All of this is bearable and soon shall pass - especially with the aid of Vicodin.

My family have been supportive and are taking good care of me. My husband decided he needed to buy a new tv for me for our bedroom (aka my recovery room). This is funny, especially if you know me. I actually hate television. I think it's a waste of time and have no need for it. He has been bugging for years to get a new one and he waited until I was at my weakest. It is actually nice, but you won't find me in front of it once I am recovered.

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