Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day - day 5 post surgery

Today has been better. Swelling is down some and I have only taken Vicodin once this morning and 800mg of ibuprofen about lunch time.

Santa came and everyone was pleased with their gifts. Boys got mostly money, Marissa and Bre got their concert tickets to Luke Bryan (Bre was super excited- it was priceless!) and Olivia got her iPod touch.

On a bad note, Olivia was up at 2am with a fever of 102. I gave her some ibuprofen and she was good through the morning, then her temp spiked again. We had to miss Christmas at the Schaefer side, but Aaron brought us food. Lasagna hit the spot! He is bringing gifts for Liv when he comes home. She has been vtalk ing with them. She is sad that she can't be there. Hopefully she will be better for Christmas at our house with my side of the family tomorrow.

I'm about ready to hit the Vicodin ... Pain is different than the swelling kind. It's kind of a sharp pain instead of a throbbing pain. Can't wait until my Friday follow up appointment - stitches out and hopefully my real cast. The road to recovery is on ...

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