Tuesday, January 15, 2013


A little over a month since surgery and I am pretty much pain free. I still get the occasional stabbing, throbbing pains, but nothing I can't deal with. I've been completely pain med free for a while now.

The worst part for me has been adapting to being one-handed. It's all the little things, like not bring able to put my own hair in a ponytail, putting my earrings in, multi- tasking while driving, and the list goes on. I'm not one that likes asking for help, therefore I have managed to do a lot by myself. Thank goodness my knees are good! I use them to hold stuff while using my left hand. Who knew knees could be used in so many ways. I have been come very resourceful.

I have been attempting to start running again. It's amazing how quickly one can lose their endurance. Focusing on the miles, instead of speed is my current mindset. Tonight I actually had sweat dripping out of my cast. I am so glad I have a waterproof cast - it definitely needed acgood rinsing. I couldn't imagine having an old fashioned one.

Next week is my follow-up appointment. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress. I have been taking additional supplements - vitamin D, calcium, and fish oil in addition to eating pretty clean. Hopefully it pays off...

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