Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23 - 4 week check up

Today was my 4 week post surgery check up. The X-ray was done with my cast on. Dr. says its looking good. He was only checking the positioning so I still don't know if the fusing is working. He told me at my next appointment they will X-ray with the cast off and he would be able to tell then. He did offer to change my cast, but I didn't feel it was necessary. I still remember how hard he pressed this one at my wrist to form it - ouch. My cast is actually holding up well - even with all the showers I take. It's impressive really.

I talked to him about the lack of movement and stiffness in my fingers, which I thought wold be fully functional after surgery (ha!), and he said it would not hurt anything to use them for things such as typing. Problem is my cast was positioned so far up my hand I couldn't bend my fingers very much. He suggested trimming some of the cast away so I could have more movement. This was kind of scary. The cast saw reminded me of a tool they may have used in the movie Saw. It didn't hurt, but the vibrations made my fingers kind of tingly - like pins and needles. I also talked him into trimming the cast on my arm so I could bend it more. It's kind of freeing with it trimmed up. I can already feel soreness from using my hand more. Yay! That means I can start strengthening my digits. My tendons are freaking tight. It's like there are really tight rubber bands pulling on my fingers when I try to use them and my joints are sore. Nothing time and work won't cure though.

So, in 4 weeks I should get my cast off for good if all goes well. Just in time for my Vegas vacation!

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